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How Managed IT Can Help SMBs Bridge the Security Gap

By Danielle Carpenter, COO and CFO at Xceptional

Are you a small or medium-sized business looking to address security? Do you lack the expertise and experience in IT to bridge the security gaps most SMBs have in their IT? More and more, SMBs are choosing to tap an outside resource to fill those needs on a small business budget. Doing so can ensure you work with an expert who keeps your data secure while helping you manage all other aspects of IT.

Regardless of your knowledge level or interest in security for your business, it’s crucial to keep in mind that no business is exempt from cyber attacks. Implementing a solution such as managed IT will help protect your business against threats. Read on to find out how managed IT helps SMBs close the security gap in IT.

Leverage security expertise at a fraction of the cost: With managed IT, you can leverage the knowledge of experts in two ways. The first is from the tools perspective. A managed IT provider gives you recommendations for updated technology such as newer laptops and desktops, updated security patching, security patching policies, business automation tools like email, and more.  Secondly, you benefit from the managed IT provider's expertise in the sense that it becomes your virtual CIO (vCIO). As a vCIO, your provider is there to guide and help you establish proper password hygiene and implement password policies that can be enforced across all your end users and employees. (More on vCIO below!)

On-demand IT mitigates the loss of productivity: By having on-demand managed IT, you don’t have to scramble to find someone if your network goes down. Instead, if there is a network issue, the provider will know before you do. This will allow the provider to monitor the situation and alert you – if need be. Managed IT offers 24/7 monitoring that can even help identify IT issues before they become a problem, ensuring your business stays proactive at all times.

The vCIO to strategize for the future: A highly beneficial aspect of managed IT is a vCIO. Having an expert in the field who knows what’s coming next can help you build a roadmap and tap into advancements in IT. This is a strong advantage for business owners who either don’t have the time or the knowledge to understand how new advancements would fit in with their strategy.

If you’re an SMB hitting the tipping point, it may not make sense to manage your IT internally. Whether you’ve got more than 10 employees and need someone to centralize and create a policy for your technology, or if your admin team is struggling to balance IT management with its multiple responsibilities, outsourcing your IT can be a growth – and security – strategy.

Managed IT is a solid solution for businesses that are too small to have an internal IT department but not big enough to have an expert in-house. If you’re ready to get the support you need or would like more information about how managed IT can work for your business, reach out to Xceptional today. We’ll be more than happy to provide you with the clarity needed to make the best decision for your SMB.