The Xceptional Blog

Learning password best practices

Written by Natalie | May 2, 2019 5:55:30 PM

By Taylor Smith, Director of Technical Operations – CCNA Security

Have you ever thought about the security of your passwords? Have you asked yourself whether they are strong enough? If you haven’t given it a second thought, it may be time to reevaluate your password hygiene. As more and more businesses suffer hacks and breaches, millions of people have exposed passwords which can lead to serious repercussions for their organizations.

If you’re keen on learning password hygiene and getting recommendations for creating secure passwords, we share some tips below.

Password Best Practices

It’s not uncommon for people to use insecure passwords in the workplace. As astonishing as it may sound, many don’t ever think a cyber attack will occur in their businesses. Yet, every other day, sites are compromised and sensitive information is put at risk. Why set yourself up? While hackers are getting more creative, don’t give them an easy pathway into your network. By practicing good password hygiene, you limit unnecessary risks.

In order to do so, it’s important to use different passwords for every site, as well as integrate a password policy that will ensure all employees are part of a collaborative effort to keep the network safe. No one wants to carry the responsibility of exposing the company’s proprietary information by getting their email hacked and as a result, give the hacker access to their emails. This can prove to be disastrous because the hacker can use the email to request information from others by assuming the victim's identity.

For businesses who want to limit these risks, password best practices include:

  • Using a  password or passphrase that is 14 characters or more
  • Using a passphrase instead of a password, as they are easier to remember
  • Using a different passphrase for every site or application
  • Getting a password manager
  • Turning on multi-factor authentication, if the site allows it

Password Policy

So how can you create a password policy? It’s simple. Come up with a password that is memorable to you and is longer than 14 characters. Not only will it be easy to remember but it will be something you won’t forget, which can often be the case when using random numbers and letters. Additionally, if the site allows, you can use spaces because the use of spaces in a password is difficult for cracking engines to figure out.

Want to Protect Your Business?

If you’re in need of an IT and communications provider to help support your business, or advice on creating a strong password approach, get in touch with us at Xceptional. Our dedicated experts will ensure you get the solutions you need for a secure business network. From managed services to backup and recovery solutions and more, we’ve got the superior support and IT expertise you’ve been looking for.