The Xceptional Blog

How IT as a Service Solves the Everyday SMB Challenges

Written by dcarpenter | Mar 21, 2019 6:00:18 AM

By Danielle Carpenter, COO and CFO at Xceptional

For small and medium-sized businesses, it can be challenging to find technology solutions that meet both their needs and their budgets. Understanding the options available can be daunting. Google “IT for Small Business” and there are over 7 billion results – NOT a simple task to weed through.

Something that should definitely be on the radar of anyone tasked with solving IT problems for SMBs? IT as a Service (“ITaaS”). ITaaS can provide businesses with their entire IT environment and IT support at a budget-friendly, monthly cost. ITaaS can benefit businesses of all sizes but is particularly suited for SMBs. At Xceptional, we sometimes find that SMBs are unaware of the ITaaS model and how it can benefit them. Even the small business owners or IT folks who know about ITaaS may not have made the time to do a cost benefit analysis.

We have found that ITaaS can be more affordable than businesses anticipate, and it is an excellent way for SMBs to save money and time while enhancing productivity and improving security.

The Common SMB Security Issue

Did you know that running old computers can result in risks to business networks and potentially leave endpoints vulnerable to outside threats? Too often, SMBs are running security risks and operating without lifecycle management for their desktops or working with various models and PCs – some of which are no longer under manufacturer warranty.

There are some very real downsides associated with using older computers. The accepted lifespan of a computer averages at three years after which the manufacturer warranty typically expires, leaving SMBs with high costs to repair them when an issue inevitably occurs. Additionally, older computers will run slower and can’t run apps as quickly as needed, reducing productivity.

Businesses may not always consider that older machines run older software that is not up to date with security patching, leaving an endpoint vulnerable to threat. If you take a vulnerable endpoint with access to your network and add a savvy cyber hacker you have the equation for a potentially catastrophic security breach.

ITaaS addresses these security problems with Desktop as a Service, allowing businesses to implement a predetermined lifecycle (24 or 36 month) for their laptops and desktops at a monthly, per-user cost.

How XceptionalOffice Can Help

XceptionalOffice is our ITaaS solution that allows SMBs to leverage enterprise-level technology at a budget-friendly, monthly cost. Rather than making a one-time capital investment, SMBs can benefit from a monthly payment model which includes the deployment of the solution and the services needed to support that solution throughout the life of the contract.

With XceptionalOffice, our clients benefit from service, support, and maintenance and pay fees per device or user. XceptionalOffice can offer a comprehensive IT solution that includes hosted infrastructure (servers, data storage, desktops, and more!) and hosted applications (O365, Google Apps, etc) and collaboration.

Benefits of XceptionalOffice

The benefits of XceptionalOffice are many. It allows SMBs to leverage enterprise-level IT solutions at a monthly cost that doesn’t result in surprise charges. Solutions can range from desktop to network to wifi to servers and storage. Additionally, XceptionalOffice includes design, implementation, and continuous support for as long as the contract exists.

XceptionalOffice can also be a great way for SMBs to build out their infrastructure and integrate a holistic solution that supports their needs from the application level all the way to the network. Additional benefits include:

  • Understandable billing schedule
  • One-stop shopping
  • Predictable expenses – Opex versus Capex
  • Support and maintenance through the life of the XceptionalOffice contract
  • End-user devices with current anti-virus and operating systems
  • Vendor agnostic. (Are you a Mac office or love Lenovos? We can deploy and support a full range of manufacturers.)

Ready to Integrate XceptionalOffice Into Your Business?

If you’re ready to benefit from our IT as a Service, contact Xceptional to learn more about XceptionalOffice. We can help you leverage a hosted “as a service” model that produces enterprise-level technology infrastructure at a price you can afford. Get in touch with us today to get started!