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Five Benefits of Cloud Services

The cloud often seems as if it’s something that’s meant more for large companies. But the benefits of cloud services for small businesses might be even more disruptive than for bigger organizations. Consider these common reasons for migrating to the cloud:

Improved productivity: Moving to the cloud means employees can work anytime, anywhere. This not only maximizes the amount of time your employees can be productive; it also allows you to hire the best talent, regardless of geographical considerations.

Cloud computing gives employees the ability to use integrated applications and collaborative tools that empower faster decision-making and improved communication to move goals closer to the finish line.

Room to grow: If your business has a seasonal component, or you tend to have other surges in computing needs, cloud solutions can accommodate that. For instance, while it may take weeks to procure additional legacy, on-site data servers, a cloud provider can offer an expansion of data storage in a matter of minutes.

Improved security: The benefits of cloud security can’t be overstated in a time when threats to your data and systems change by the minute. Placing workloads in a public cloud is like hiring the best security team in the industry to watch over your data every hour of the day. This is because public cloud providers attract the most qualified and skilled security talent and the monitoring and preventative tools they have in place outpace any that you could have in-house.

Reduced costs: When you use a cloud managed service provider, you relieve your IT professionals of maintenance, troubleshooting and updates so they can focus on vision and strategy for your company. There’s also a low initial investment, and you pay for only the number of users you need. Your IT upgrade to cloud is also treated as a monthly operating expense, which is preferred over a one-time capital investment.

Level the playing field: With traditional, on-site computing, only the big enterprises had access to the best innovations in networking and software. With cloud solutions, every size of company has access to the latest and best features, allowing you to offer a competitive customer experience.

There are many ways you can harness the benefits of cloud services, from accessing a cloud-based customer relationship management tool to moving some data storage to the cloud. Many small businesses find that cloud communications is a strategic choice when it’s time for a phone system upgrade.

You can also choose what level of support you want in your cloud solution. Many small businesses like the option of a managed service provider that handles every aspect of a cloud solution, even sometimes acting as an extension or a replacement for an in-house IT team.

If you’re looking for new ways to improve the efficiency of your business while lowering costs, contact us at Xceptional. We offer a worry-free IT experience for small business owners.