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How to Approach a Multi-Cloud Experience With a Private Cloud Solution

Jumping into a multi-cloud strategy might seem intimidating, but the benefits are enticing. However, without flexibility, the benefits might not be as readily enjoyable, which is why considering a private cloud solution should be part of the multi-cloud mix.

When considering the multi-cloud experience, it’s important to look at your workloads and how they are managed. Not all workloads require the same types of configuration, which means you have to choose the right cloud service and the right place. The private cloud experience is often the most productive for organizations that have dynamic and unpredictable needs.

Another consideration is demand and capacity and how they interact. It’s likely that your demand is largely put on your shoulders via your clients, and you can’t always predict what they’re going to need. This means you’re going to have to provide for some flexibility within your strategy – and a private cloud solution can offer that.

Planning for the Future

One of the fortunate aspects of cloud-based solutions is that you’re not responsible for the hardware involved. This comes as a great relief to organizations, especially smaller ones, which have historically struggled to keep up with technological changes. Huge investments in hardware become outdated too quickly.

But it’s not just the hardware expense and upgrades that are concerning – it’s also about scalability. In a multi-cloud environment, there exists the advantage of scaling up or down as needed, and if you’re reading the fine print carefully, you’re only choosing vendors who charge for what you use. While the public cloud can be useful, going with a private cloud solution gives you the autonomy and reliability that public cloud vendors can’t offer.

Meet Compliance Needs

You’ve probably noticed regulatory issues have become more complex, which is something to consider while you flesh out your multi-cloud experience.

As you look at cloud vendors, consider your organization’s needs for meeting compliance requirements today and into the future, and make sure the vendors you choose are able to meet your needs. Fortunately, as regulations evolve, your private cloud vendor is able to roll with the changes and ensure your organization is fully compliant.

Looking for a managed services provider to assist your organization with private cloud solutions? At Xceptional, we provide the latest cloud technologies to our clients. We also provide managed services, including installation, service, management and upkeep. Contact us today and let’s talk about how we can assist you.