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Four Reasons Why You Should Outsource IT Support

It’s not unusual for small or medium sized businesses to keep everything in-house. Many companies don’t believe the budget allows for outsourcing. However, given the complexities inherent with IT, making the decision to outsource IT support is something organizations on the strictest budgets should consider, as the decision can actually save money.

If outsourcing has been on your mind, here are some reasons to make the transition:

Security and Compliance Concerns
Cyber security is a major issue today, even for small and medium sized organizations. When you outsource IT support, you let your vendor do all the heavy lifting. This means that you don’t have to constantly monitor your firewall making sure it’s up to date. You can also rest assured that all PCI security standards are being followed.

Cost Reduction
A quality IT manager costs money that some organizations simply can’t afford. The average base salary for an IT manager is nearly $98,000. And what about other IT staff under that manager? It all adds up quickly.

When you outsource IT support, you don’t have to pay salaries or the recruitment costs. There is no ongoing cost for training in order for your staff to stay up to date on their IT skills. Instead, you can focus your dollars on the growth of your organization.

Access to the Best Technology
Again, this is a money issue for many organizations that can’t afford to connect with the latest and greatest technology. In fact, technology changes so rapidly today that it’s a full-time job just keeping up with what’s out there.

When you outsource IT support, you’re keeping up with the evolving IT landscape, which includes hardware and software. Your provider should have excellent relationships with the leading technology vendors and help you keep current with the latest available.

Risk Management
The moment you shift to an outside provider of IT services, you’re shifting some of your infrastructural risk over to them. This can be greatly freeing, giving you the chance to focus on being more dynamic and flexible, which only serves to improve what you do as a company.

At Xceptional, our clients rely on us for our attention to detail in managing IT services. Our strategic data center-grade IT software, services, applications and network architectural solutions include storage solutions, virtualization, backup and recovery, and 24/7 monitoring. Contact us today and let’s talk about how our IT services will fit all your needs.